Please fill out this form. Note – We are available from 8 am to 10 pm (IST).
Your full name * Age * Mobile Number *
What level of fast are you doing? * Juice fastSmoothie fast
How are you currently feeling? * What exactly have you consumed since today morning? * Are you currently taking any medicines? If yes, what medicines? *
Have you tried any of these methods? * Pranayama/Deep breathingRest/SleepTaking sips of waterWet packEnemaI have not tried any of these
How severe is your discomfort on a scale of 1 to 5. (5 indicates extremely severe) * 12345
What time in the day do you feel this discomfort? *
Do you feel it with any particular juice? *
Are you taking any supplements? Mention the name, dosage and time *
Have you experienced similar symptoms before? *