Copy of Juice On (dup) - Satvic Movement

3-Day Online
Juice fast

Friday to Sunday
1st – 3rd April

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What is a Juice Fast?

What is a juice fast?
A juice fast is basically a ‘solid food vacation’. For three days, we consume no solid food. Only fresh juices.

Why should we do a juice fast?
When we are eating, upto 80% of our energy is consumed in digestion. During a fast, the body no longer needs to digest, so all this saved energy is diverted into detoxification and healing. Once detoxified, the body becomes lighter, more flexible, the mind becomes clearer and more creative. Greater intuitive powers develop and deep spiritual insights may be experienced. Fasting is Nature’s most Supreme Medicine

How does it work?
In this online Juice Fast, people from all over the world will fast together as a community. We will host online webinars each day for 3 days, during which we will share all the tools you need to complete your juice fast. So come join us and let’s get juicing!


1st to 3rd April 2022
Friday to Sunday



Morning session – 10 am to 11:30 am

Afternoon Session – 12:30 pm to 2 pm
Evening session – 6 pm to 7 pm

All timings are in IST

Benefits of a Juice Fast

Watch the community video

Frequently Asked Questions

What ingredients do I need?

Below is a rough list of vegetables which will allow you to make delicious juices for 3 days. If all of them are not available, please don’t worry. Get any vegetables you find, and we will teach you how to juice them.

Shopping List:
1 big ash gourd or 2 small ones
3 drinking coconuts
6 apples
3 beetroots
12 carrots
15 big cucumbers
3 bunches spinach
2 bunches mint
2 bunches coriander
6 pieces ginger

I am on medication. Can I still join?

Fasting is a powerful tool for disease-reversal. However, if you are currently on medication, it is required that you consult with your medical doctor prior to committing to the fast.

Can I watch the sessions at a later time?

All online sessions will be recorded. The links will be shared with you and will remain available till tuesday 10 am(IST). However, please note – this juice fast is meant to be a live experience and unless there are problems with your network, we insist that you watch it live, instead of watching the recordings.

For more questions, please visit our FAQ page

Visit FAQ page

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    Experiences of our previous fasters

    "On the 6th day of my juice fast, I saw a 20cm long dead worm come out in my poop. After that, I felt like different person. My skin, my energy level, my thoughts - everything changed!"

    43, Karnataka
    Garima Shahi
    "I was able to do a yoga asana which I wasn’t able to do since last 15 years. I couldn’t believe how flexible my body became after 3 days of juice fasting."

    Garima Shahi
    26, New Delhi
    Seema Umashankar
    "I had a small painless nodule on my elbow. On the 3rd day of the juice fast, it completely disappeared. It was like magic! I could not believe how powerful fasting is."

    Seema Umashankar
    31, Mumbai
    Swaraj Singh
    "I lost 4kgs of weight in 3 days. I feel more energetic than ever before! I realise it’s not the WEIGHT I lost, it’s the WASTE I lost."

    Swaraj Singh
    25, Bilaspur, Chattisgarh